"Hustle culture" almost ruined my life

Welcome to The Innovators Insight.

Every Saturday, you’ll get an actionable email explaining everything you need to know about physical product concept design, development, fundraising, and marketing so you can develop your ideas from sketch to scale.

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Enventys Partners - the world's only turnkey product launch company. Their product development, engineering, and omnichannel marketing services to have helped thousands of clients earned more than $1 billion in product sales over the last 20+ years. Click here to learn more about how to they can help you.

It was 2019.

I was working non-stop, getting very little sleep.

Drinking coffee and repeating.

Constantly hustling and grinding.

Then repeating it all over again.

My health started to get worse.

My relationships and personal life really suffered.

That's when I realized that this "toxic hustle" lifestyle was truly toxic.

Making resolutions?

Consider these:

  1. More sleep → more energy

Getting enough good sleep each night gives you the energy you need to show up as your best self each day. When I started prioritizing 7-8 hours of sleep per night, I noticed I had so much more energy to get things done during my waking hours.

  1. More movement → more focus

I found that when I incorporate movement like taking a walk or stretch break into my day, my focus and concentration improves. Moving your body increases blood flow and releases endorphins, which can boost mental clarity.

  1. More rest → more productivity

It may sound counterintuitive, but allowing your mind and body to rest and recharge regularly helps increase your productivity. The breaks give your brain a chance to process everything and come back refreshed and focused.

  1. More real friends → more happiness

Surrounding yourself with people who genuinely care for you, support you and appreciate you for who you are plays a huge part in overall life satisfaction and happiness. Make time for those priority people this year.

  1. More work-life balance → longevity

Having a balance between your work and personal life and responsibilities decreases chronic stress, which contributes to all kinds of health conditions over time. Bring more balance this year to set yourself up for long-term well-being.

  1. More breaks → more creativity

Giving your brain occasional breaks from focused mode allows the free flow of ideas and new connections between ideas/concepts. Stepping away regularly unlocks bursts of creativity you can then apply when working.

  1. More kindness → inner peace

Making the effort to be kinder and more understanding toward others as well as yourself cultivates gratitude. And consciously emanating more kindness leaves you feeling at peace rather than comparing or criticizing.

This type of hustle made me realize:

Work-life balance isn't just having time for both.

It's taking care of yourself, so you can show up better in both.

Final Thoughts

This year, may you discover more balance between work, rest, and relationships.

And remember that adding in self-care allows you to be more energized and present whether at home or working.

Here's to healthy, sustainable hustling in 2024!

Talk soon,


Whenever you're ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

  1. Raise crowdfunding: We can help you turn your product prototype into an investible asset. If you’ve got a working prototype, and need funding to scale, send me a direct message on Linkedin (click here) saying “funding” for more details on how we can help.

  2. Validate your physical product concept: Got a concept (napkin sketch or full concept design) for a killer product? We want to see it. Click here to submit it for review.

  3. Free Guide - Crowdfunding 101: How to prepare your physical product for a crowdfunding campaign. Click here to learn more.


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